Fairouz Cafe & Gallery

3166 Midway Dr #102, San Diego, CA - 92110

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Q)What type of food does Fairouz Café & Gallery offer???
A) Fairouz Café & Gallery offers SALADS, SOUPS and APPETIZERS(LUNCH) in San Diego, CA - 92110.
Q)What days is Fairouz Café & Gallery open ???
A)Monday to Sunday in between 11:00 am to 8:00 pm..
Q)Does Fairouz café & Gallery Serves Catering Orders?? ?
A)No, Fairouz café & Gallery do not serve catering orders..
Q)Is Fairouz Café & Gallery currently offering delivery or takeout???
A)Fairouz Café & Gallery offers both delivery or takeout..
Q)How to order food online from Fairouz Café & Gallery? ??
A)Login to iMenu4u, select Fairouz Café & Gallery restaurant, choose food, choose offer, payment, order, get food. .